Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Flavor of the Day: Noche Buena

I approached the holidays last year with trepidation. Yes, Christmas is about Jesus. But it's also about family. Celebrating with them. And this time, we're one sister short.

It was the first time I had to "rehearse" Christmas eve. I stood by the tree and practiced not crying on Christmas Eve.

The rehearsal helped. I almost succeeded.

Image from: http://globalmr.com/meat_Chicken_Turkey.htm

Flavor of the Day: Comfort Food

One day in the last quarter of last year, I found myself in a supermarket desperately searching for Ruffles Potato Chips. Because I remembered the very first time I had them was in a US trip with Rita. We tasted it, and we just couldn't believe how potato chips could taste that good. I didn't find the exact flavor I wanted but I loaded whatever I could find into my cart, which was soon filled with chocolates, popcorn, soda, and other junk food.

That night I sat in front of the TV, mindlessly watching some show, maybe with the Kardashians in it. And I went through a big bag of Ruffles, a tub of popcorn, almost a liter of Coke Zero, and some sweet stuff too. In one sitting. I am not big on junk food, but that night I needed, craved uncomplicated comfort food, food that did not require a fine palate.

In the past few months, my search for comfort has gone beyond food. Books. Shoes. Barbies. Clothes. Anything I could grasp, hold tight, consume.

It's sad though that the comfort I really need is really not available. The real thing I want cannot be found on earth.

Image from: http://www.yumsugar.com/Product-Review-Kettle-Krinkle-Cut-Cheddar-Sour-Cream-Chips-8501527

So, for now, comfort food will have to suffice.